By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work 我们将通过刺激经济让人们实现就业。
Saving is great, but to make the most of your money you need to put it to work. 储蓄是个不错的主意,但是要更好地利用手头的钱,你就必须让它“动”起来。
The biggest benefit you will gain from using a commercial package is a pre-built strategy for handling backups that you can just put to work. 使用商业软件包的最大好处是,有一个预先建立的用于处理备份的策略,您可以立即投入工作。
Having the code will not help unless you put it to work. 如果不将代码用于工作中,那么即使有它们也没用。
The creative Webmaster has a tremendous amount of information to put to work. 具有创造力的网络管理员需要处理大量的信息。
It already had a polio surveillance system, with skilled outbreak specialists who were quickly put to work tackling Ebola. 尼日利亚已建立小儿麻痹监测体系,拥有有技能的疫情专家,能够依靠他们来对付埃博拉疫情。
That is, it effects how well we're able to apply or put to work our other talents and abilities. 可以说,这种能力作用取决于我们如何很好地利用它,或用于发挥我们其它的天赋与才能上。
However, he predicted "better returns for all the money we do put to work", amid falling asset prices and less competition. 但他预计,在资产价格下降、竞争减少的情况下,“我们投入运作的资金会获得更好的回报”。
The old machine was fixed up and put to work again. 那台旧机器已修好,又开始运转了。
Take it. I need you to put it to work for us. 拿着这个,我需要你为我们工作。
An honest, thorough scrutiny of your normal week will yield dozens, even hundreds, of minutes that can be put to work learning your target language. 坦白说,彻底检查你的一周,你会发现几十,甚至上百分钟可以用来学习语言的时间。
Tony James, President of Blackstone, the largest private equity firm, says that next year half of the money the firm plans to invest will be put to work in Asia, with much of it potentially going to China. 最大的私人股本公司黑石(blackstone)总裁托尼詹姆斯(tonyjames)表示,明年该公司计划投资资金的一半将投入亚洲业务,其中很大一部分有可能进入中国。
He was put to work filing all the papers. 他受命把所有的文件归档。
If you have a spare room, put it to work for you – take in a lodger. 如果你有多余的房间,把它利用起来&收一位房客。
By asking the question "how can I afford it?" your brain is put to work. 而问“怎样才能付得起”则开动了你的大脑。
This staggering sum equates to more than 10 per cent of world gross domestic product, and more importantly, is expected to be put to work in the near-term as developing nations adjust to structurally impaired final demand in the west. 这一令人惊愕的数字相当于全球国内生产总值(GDP)的10%以上,更重要的是,随着发展中国家根据西方国家结构受损的最终需求进行调整,预计这些资金将在短期内派上用场。
But just as it is machines that are generating most of the data deluge, so they can also be put to work to deal with it. 人们利用机器产生了大量的信息,人们也可以利用机器来处理这些过量的信息。
More than$ 100bn of funds in Asia, for example, are waiting to be put to work. 比如说,目前在亚洲就有超过1000亿美元的资金等待投资。
His father was put into prison, young Charles was taken out of school and put to work in a warehouse in London. 他的父亲入狱,使他被迫辍学,被安排到伦敦一家货仓工作。
The idea of working code that proved so valuable in the development of the Internet could be put to work in the smart grid. 在互联网发展中被证实为极为重要的工作码概念也可以应用在智能电网上。
Their next robot, Eve, will have much more brain power and will be put to work searching for new medicines. 他们的下一个名叫“夏娃”的机器人拥有的“脑力”将大大提高,而且将被用来寻找新的药物。
He believed the unemployed should be put to work and that incomes should be redistributed so the poor could have money to spend. 他认为失业工人应该就业,收入应该重新分配,使穷人也有钱花。
Marketing ideas: GIFT SHOP brings you simple effective strategies you can put to work to keep the cash registers ringing. 营销理念:为您带来简单有效的策略,投入工作,提高收入。
The people were put to work on huge farms. 人们被派到大农场去干活。
Soon after it had been discovered, scientists and inventors began to put it to work. 在电子被发现后不久,科学家和发明家便开始使电子发挥作用。
We utilize our global scale to turn insights and observations into useful ideas that we put to work for our customers. 我们利用全球资源,将我们的洞察力转化为可付诸于客户服务的创意。
With the adjustment of methane chamber parameters, the laser can be put to work at two equal intensity points and performs the absolute distance interferometry. 通过改变甲烷吸收室的充气参数,使激光器工作在双等光强工作点,并完成了绝对距离的干涉测量。
The higher levels of self-identity, emotional investment, the more, the recognition of the teaching profession more positive and proactive attitude can be put to work. 自我认同感层次越高,情感投入就多,对教师职业的认同就越肯定,并能以积极主动的心态投入到工作中。